//// Included in: - user-manual //// You may group the sections of your document into parts when you set the `doctype` to `book`. In fact, parts can only be used when the `doctype` is `book`. When a document has its `doctype` set to `book` and contains at least one part, it implicitly becomes a multi-part book. There is no dedicated doctype value for a multi-part book to distinguish it from a regular book. That distinction is made by the content. Part titles are specified with a single equals sign (`=`), the equivalent to the structure of a document title (i.e., level-0 section). Each part must contain at least one section (a chapter or special section). Immediately after the part title, you may insert an optional introduction, which is designated by the `partintro` style. [source] ---- [partintro] .Optional part introduction title -- Optional part introduction goes here. -- ---- A part can also include its own preface, bibliography, glossary and index. [source] ---- include::multi-special-ex.adoc[tag=part] ---- When using the PDF converter (i.e., Asciidoctor PDF), the value of the `chapter-label` attribute (followed by a space) is automatically added to the beginning of the chapter title. A chapter title is a level-1 section title when the doctype is book. You can modify this prefix by redefining the `chapter-label` attribute. [source] ---- :chapter-label: Chapter ~ ---- To use no prefix, set the value to blank.