//// Included in: - user-manual: Description lists - writers-guide: description lists - writers-guide: hybrid lists //// // tag::description[] A description list (often abbreviate as dlist) is useful when you need to include a description or supporting text for one or more terms. Each item in a description list consists of: * one or more terms * a separator following each term (typically a double colon, `::`) * at least one space or endline * the supporting content (either text, attached blocks, or both) Here's an example of a description list that identifies parts of a computer: [source] ---- include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base] ---- By default, the content of each item is displayed below the description when rendered. Here's a preview of how this list is rendered: .A basic description list ==== include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base] ==== If you want the description and content to appear on the same line, add the horizontal style to the list. [source] ---- include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base-horz] ---- ==== include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base-horz] ==== The content of a description list can be any AsciiDoc element. For instance, we could rewrite the grocery list from above so that each aisle is a description rather than a parent outline list item. [source] ---- include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base-mix] ---- ==== include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base-mix] ==== Description lists are quite lenient about whitespace, so you can spread the items out and even indent the content if that makes it more readable for you: [source] ---- include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=base-mix-alt] ---- // end::description[] // tag::hybrid[] [#three-hybrid] Finally, you can mix and match the three list types within a single hybrid list. Asciidoctor works hard to infer the relationships between the items that are most intuitive to us humans. Here's a list that mixes description, ordered, and unordered list items: [source] ---- include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=3-mix] ---- Here's how the list is rendered: .A hybrid list ==== include::ex-dlist.adoc[tag=3-mix] ==== You can include more complex content in a list item as well. // end::hybrid[]