//// Included in: - user-manual: DocBook //// Asciidoctor can produce DocBook 5.0 output. Since the AsciiDoc syntax was designed with DocBook output in mind, the conversion is very good. There's a corresponding DocBook element for each markup in the AsciiDoc syntax. To convert the `mysample.adoc` document to DocBook 5.0 format, call the processor with the backend flag set to `docbook`. $ asciidoctor -b docbook mysample.adoc A new XML document, named `mysample.xml`, will now be present in the current directory. $ ls mysample.adoc mysample.html mysample.xml Here's a snippet of the XML generated by the DocBook converter. .XML generated from AsciiDoc [source,xml] ----
Hello, AsciiDoc! 2013-09-03 Doc Writer doc@example.com DW An introduction to AsciiDoc.
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---- If you're on Linux, you can view the DocBook file with {uri-yelp}[Yelp]. $ yelp mysample.xml And of course, if you're using the Asciidoctor Ruby API, you can generate a DocBook document directly from your application. .Generate DocBook output from the API [source,ruby] ---- Asciidoctor.convert_file 'mysample.adoc', backend: 'docbook' ---- By default, the docbook converter produces DocBook 5.0 output that is compliant to the DocBook 5.0 specification. A summary of the differences are as follows: * XSD declarations are used on the document root instead of a DTD * `` elements for document info instead of `` and `` * elements that hold the author's name are wrapped in a `` element * the id for an element is defined using an `xml:id` attribute * `` is used for links instead of `` * the URL for a link is defined using the `xl:href` attribute Refer to {uri-docbook5}[What's new in DocBook v5.0?] for more details about how DocBook 5.0 differs from DocBook 4.5. If you need to output DocBook 4.5, you may find the community-supported {uri-docbook45}[DocBook 4.5 Converter] useful. $ asciidoctor -b docbook45 mysample.adoc