//// Included in: - user-manual: Footnotes - quick-ref //// // tag::base-c[] The hail-and-rainbow protocol can be initiated at five levels: double, tertiary, supernumerary, supermassive, and apocalyptic party.footnote:[The double hail-and-rainbow level makes my toes tingle.] <1> <2> A bold statement!footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.] <3> Another outrageous statement.footnote:disclaimer[] <4> // end::base-c[] // tag::base-x[] The hail-and-rainbow protocol can be initiated at five levels: double, tertiary, supernumerary, supermassive, and apocalyptic party.footnote:[The double hail-and-rainbow level makes my toes tingle.] A bold statement!footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.] Another outrageous statement.footnote:disclaimer[] // end::base-x[] // tag::externalized[] :fn-hail-and-rainbow: footnote:[The double hail-and-rainbow level makes my toes tingle.] :fn-disclaimer: footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.] The hail-and-rainbow protocol can be initiated at five levels: double, tertiary, supernumerary, supermassive, and apocalyptic party.{fn-hail-and-rainbow} A bold statement!{fn-disclaimer} Another outrageous statement.{fn-disclaimer} // end::externalized[] // tag::base[] A statement.footnote:[Clarification about this statement.] A bold statement!footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.] Another bold statement.footnote:disclaimer[] // end::base[]