= eve(1) Andrew Stanton v1.0.0 :doctype: manpage :manmanual: EVE :mansource: EVE :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] == Name eve - analyzes an image to determine if it's a picture of a life form == Synopsis *eve* [_OPTION_]... _FILE_... == Options *-o, --out-file*=_OUT_FILE_:: Write result to file _OUT_FILE_. *-c, --capture*:: Capture specimen if it's a picture of a life form. == Exit status *0*:: Success. Image is a picture of a life form. *1*:: Failure. Image is not a picture of a life form. == Resources *Project web site:* http://eve.example.org == Copying Copyright (C) 2008 {author}. + Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.