//// Included in: - user-manual: Macro and Block Passthroughs - quick-ref //// // tag::dollar[] $$*Stars*$$ will not be bold. // end::dollar[] // tag::b-dollar[] $$*Stars*$$ is not rendered as bold text. The asterisks around the word are preserved. $$&$$ renders as an XML entity instead of &. // end::b-dollar[] // tag::in-macro[] The text pass:[underline me] is underlined. // end::in-macro[] // tag::s-macro[] The text pass:q[underline *me*] is underlined and the word "`me`" is bold. // end::s-macro[] // tag::3p[] The text +++underline me+++ is underlined. // end::3p[] // tag::b-3p-macro[] +++underline me+++ is underlined. pass:[underline me] is also underlined. // end::b-3p-macro[] // tag::tick[] This java code: `System.out.println("No *bold* here");` will appear in a monospace font but without any other text formatting. // end::tick[] // tag::plus[] Text between + characters, such as +/user/{name}+, is not substituted. However, special characters like +<+ and +>+ are still escaped. You can write `C++{plus}{plus}++` as `+{cpp}+`. // end::plus[] // tag::backtick-plus[] Output literal monospace text such as `+{backtick}+` by enclosing the text in pluses, then in backticks. // end::backtick-plus[] // tag::b-tick[] `Text in {backticks}` renders exactly as entered, in `monospace`. The attribute reference is not resolved. // end::b-tick[] // tag::sub-in[] [subs=+macros] <1> ---- I better not contain *bold* or _italic_ text. pass:quotes[But I should contain *bold* text.] <2> ---- // end::sub-in[] // tag::sub-out[] [subs=+macros] ---- I better not contain *bold* or _italic_ text. pass:quotes[But I should contain *bold* text.] ---- // end::sub-out[] // tag::bl[] ++++ ++++ // end::bl[] // tag::b-bl[] ++++

Content in a passthrough block is passed to the output unprocessed. That means you can include raw HTML, like this embedded Gist:

++++ // end::b-bl[] // tag::subs-bl[] [subs=attributes] ++++ {name} image:tiger.png[] ++++ // end::subs-bl[] // tag::no-para[] [subs=normal] ++++ Normal content which is not enclosed in a paragraph. ++++ // end::no-para[] // tag::pass-style[] [pass] underline me is underlined. // end::pass-style[]