//// Example Included in: - user-manual: Header - quick-ref //// // tag::base[] = The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles Kismet Chameleon v1.0, October 2, 2013: First incarnation // <1> <2> <3> This journey begins... == Colophon Version: {revnumber} Version Date: {revdate} Version Notes: {revremark} // end::base[] // tag::b-base[] = My Document's Title Doc Writer v1.0, 2014-01-01 My document provides... // end::b-base[] // tag::attr[] = The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles Kismet Chameleon :revnumber: 1.0 // <1> :revdate: 10-02-2013 :revremark: The first incarnation of {doctitle} // <2> :version-label!: // <3> This journey begins... == Colophon Version: {revnumber} Version Date: {revdate} Version Notes: {revremark} // end::attr[]