//// Included in: - user-manual: Stylesheet Factory: Setting up the factory //// // tag::setup[] The stylesheets in the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory are built using {compass-ref}[Compass], a CSS authoring framework that uses {sass-ref}[Sass] to generate CSS files. The styles and components are generated by {uri-foundation}[Foundation 4], an awesome and flexible CSS component framework that ensures your stylesheet is cross-browser and mobile friendly. // end::setup[] ==== Install the gems // tag::gem[] In order to build the stylesheets, you must download the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory repository and install the Compass and Foundation gems. . Download or clone the {factory-ref}[Asciidoctor stylesheet factory repository]. + NOTE: It does not matter where you save the project on your system. . Make sure you have {get-ruby-ref}[Ruby and RubyGems] installed, and, ideally, {bundler-ref}[Bundler]. . Run Bundler to install the Compass and Foundation gems. $ bundle install + [TIP] -- The previous `bundle` command is equivalent to the following two commands: $ gem install compass --version 0.12.2 $ gem install zurb-foundation --version 4.3.2 You don't need to execute these `gem install` commands if you use Bundler. -- Once you have the gems installed, you can build the stylesheets. // end::gem[] ==== Build the stylesheets // tag::build[] To build the stylesheets: . Navigate to the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory directory on your system. . Run Compass's `compile` command. $ compass compile The stylesheets are compiled from the Sass source files in the [.path]_sass/_ folder and written to the [.path]_stylesheets/_ folder. You can reference the stylesheets in [.path]_stylesheets/_ from your HTML file. // end::build[]