//// HTML output section == Using a command line tool This document is included in convert-documents and the user-manual. //// In this section, we'll create a sample document, then process and convert it with Asciidoctor's `html5` converter. . Create an AsciiDoc file like the one below . Save the file as [.path]_mysample.adoc_ [source] ---- include::mysample.adoc[] ---- To convert [.path]_mysample.adoc_ to HTML from the command line: . Open a console . Switch to the directory that contains the [.path]_mysample.adoc_ document . Call the Asciidoctor processor with the `asciidoctor` command, followed by the name of the document you want to convert //^ $ asciidoctor mysample.adoc Remember, Asciidoctor's default converter is html5, so it isn't necessary to specify it with the `-b` command. You won't see any messages printed to the console. If you type `ls` or view the directory in a file manager, there is a new file named [.path]_mysample.html_. $ ls mysample.adoc mysample.html Asciidoctor derives the name of the output document from the name of the input document. Open [.path]_mysample.html_ in your web browser. Your document should look like the image below. ==== image::mysample.png[] ==== The document's text, titles, and link is styled by the default Asciidoctor stylesheet, which is embedded in the HTML output. As a result, you could save [.path]_mysample.html_ to any computer and it will look the same.