//// Included in: - user-manual: images //// To include an image on its own line (i.e., a _block image_), use the `image::` prefix in front of the file name and square brackets after it. [source] ---- include::ex-image.adoc[tag=base] ---- ==== include::ex-image.adoc[tag=base] ==== If you want to specify alt text, include it inside the square brackets: [source] ---- include::ex-image.adoc[tag=alt] ---- You can also give the image an id, a title, set its dimensions and make it a link. [source] ---- include::ex-image.adoc[tag=attr-co] ---- <1> Assigns an ID to the block; see <>. <2> Defines the title of the block image, which gets displayed underneath the image when rendered. <3> `link` makes the image a link (this can also be defined inside the attribute list of the block macro) <4> The first positional attribute, _Sunset_, is the image's alt text. <5> The second and third positional attributes define the width and height, respectively. .A hyperlinked image with caption ==== include::ex-image.adoc[tag=attr] ==== Block images are prefixed by a caption label (Figure) and number automatically. To turn off figure caption labels and numbers, add the `figure-caption` attribute to the document header and unset it. :figure-caption!: If you want to include an image inline, use the `image:` prefix instead (notice there is only one colon): [source] ---- include::ex-image.adoc[tag=in] ---- ==== include::ex-image.adoc[tag=in] ==== For inline images, the optional title is displayed as a tooltip.