//// Included in: - user-manual //// You can mark index terms explicitly in AsciiDoc content. Index terms form a controlled vocabulary that can be used to navigate the document by keyword starting from an index. === Index Terms There are two types of index terms in AsciiDoc: flow index term:: `\indexterm2:[]` or `+(())+` + An index term that appears in the flow of text (i.e., a visible term) and in the index. This type of index term can only be used to define a primary entry. concealed index term:: `\indexterm:[, , ]` or `+(((, , )))+` + A group of index terms that appear only in the index. This type of index term can be used to define a primary entry as well as optional secondary and tertiary entries. Here's an example that shows the two forms in use. ---- The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, ((Arthur)), <1> was to carry Excalibur (((Sword, Broadsword, Excalibur))). <2> That is why I am your king. Shut up! Will you shut up?! Burn her anyway! I'm not a witch. Look, my liege! We found them. indexterm2:[Lancelot] was one of the Knights of the Round Table. <3> indexterm:[knight, Knight of the Round Table, Lancelot] <4> ---- <1> The double parenthesis form adds a primary index term and includes the term in the generated output. <2> The triple parenthesis form allows for an optional second and third index term and _does not_ include the terms in the generated output (i.e., concealed index term). <3> The inline macro `\indexterm2:[primary]` is equivalent to the double parenthesis form. <4> The inline macro `\indexterm:[primary, secondary, tertiary]` is equivalent to the triple parenthesis form. If you're defining a concealed index term (i.e., the `indexterm` macro), and one of the terms contains a comma, you must surround that segment in double quotes so the comma is treated as content. For example: ---- I, King Arthur. indexterm:[knight, "Arthur, King"] ---- or ---- I, King Arthur. (((knight, "Arthur, King"))) ---- === Index Catalog Although index terms are always processed, only Asciidoctor PDF and the DocBook toolchain support creating an index catalog automatically. To create an index, define a level-1 section marked with the style `index` at the end of your document. ---- [index] == Index ---- Both Asciidoctor PDF and the DocBook toolchain will automatically populate an index into this seed section. WARNING: The built-in HTML5 converter in Asciidoctor does not currently generate an index. Follow https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues/450[issue #450] to track the progress of this feature.