//// Load and convert doc using API This file is included in the user-manual document //// To parse a file into an `Asciidoctor::Document` object: [source,ruby] doc = Asciidoctor.load_file 'mysample.adoc' You can get information about the document: [source,ruby] puts doc.doctitle puts doc.attributes More than likely, you will want to convert the document. To convert a file containing AsciiDoc markup to HTML 5, use: [source,ruby] Asciidoctor.convert_file 'mysample.adoc' The command will output to the file [.path]_mysample.html_ in the same directory. You can convert the file to DocBook 5.0 by setting the `:backend` option to `'docbook'`: [source,ruby] Asciidoctor.convert_file 'mysample.adoc', backend: 'docbook' The command will output to the file [.path]_mysample.xml_ in the same directory. If you're on Linux, you can view the file using {uri-yelp}[Yelp].