= A Book with Multiple Parts and Special Sections // tag::colophon[] [colophon] = Colophon The Asciidoctor Press, Ceres and Denver (C) 2018 by The Asciidoctor Press Published in the Milky Way Galaxy This book is designed by Dagger Flush, Denver, Colorado. The types are handset Chinchilla and Dust, designed by Leeloo. Leeloo designed the typefaces to soften the bluntness of documentation. Created in Asciidoctor and Fedora 27. The printing and binding is by Ceres Lithographing, Inc., Ceres, Milky Way. // end::colophon[] [preface] = Preface The basis for this book germinated when I awoke one morning and was confronted by the dark and stormy eyes of the chinchilla. She had conquered the mountain of government reports that, over the course of six months, had eroded into several minor foothills and a creeping alluvial plain of loose papers. == Acknowledgments I would like to thank the Big Bang and String Theory. // tag::dedicate[] [dedication] = Dedication For S.S.T.-- thank you for the plague of archetypes. // end::dedicate[] // tag::part[] = Title of Part 1 [partintro] -- This is the introduction to the first part of our mud-encrusted journey. -- == Chapter 1 There was mud... == Chapter 2 Great gobs of mud... [glossary] == Part 1 Glossary [glossary] mud:: wet, cold dirt = Part 2 [preface] == Part 2 Preface This part was written because... == Chapter 1 The mud had turned to cement... // end::part[] = Appendix for whole Book === Appendix sub