//// Included in: - user-manual: paragraphs: lead //// Apply the `lead` style to any paragraph, and it will render using a larger font size. The lead style is assigned to the <>. You can set `role` using the long- or shorthand method. .Setting role using shorthand (`.`) and assigning it the lead value [source] ---- include::ex-text.adoc[tag=lead] ---- .Rendered lead paragraph ==== include::ex-text.adoc[tag=lead] ==== When you convert a document to HTML using the default stylesheet, the first paragraph of the preamble is automatically styled as a lead paragraph. To disable this behavior, assign any role to the first paragraph. .Disabling the automatic lead paragraph styling [source] ---- include::ex-text.adoc[tag=no-lead] ---- The presence of the custom role tells the CSS not to style it as a lead paragraph.