//// Included in: - user-manual: Macro and Block Passthroughs: Block passthroughs //// The passthrough block and `pass` block style exclude block content from all substitutions (unless specified otherwise). A passthrough block is delimited by four plus signs (`{plus}{plus}{plus}{plus}`). The `pass` style is implied. [source] ---- include::ex-pass.adoc[tag=bl] ---- (Keep in mind that AsciiDoc has a video macro, so this example is merely for demonstration. However, a passthrough could come in handy if you need to output more sophisticated markup than what the built-in HTML converter produces). The pass style can also be set on a paragraph or an open block. [source] ---- include::ex-pass.adoc[tag=pass-style] ---- You can use the `subs` attribute to specify a comma-separated list of substitutions. These substitutions will be applied to the content prior to it being reintroduced to the output document. [source] ---- include::ex-pass.adoc[tag=subs-bl] ---- The content of the pass block does not get wrapped in a paragraph. Therefore, you can use the `pass` style in combination with the `normal` substitution category to output content without generating a paragraph. [source] ---- include::ex-pass.adoc[tag=no-para] ----