//// Included in: - user-manual //// [cols="1m,1,2,2,1"] .Table of contents attributes and allowed values |=== |Attribute |Values |Example Syntax |Comments |Backends .4+|toc |auto, left, right, macro, preamble m|:toc: left |Not set by default. Defaults to `auto` if value is unspecified. |html |auto, macro, preamble m|:toc: macro |Not set by default. Defaults to `auto` if value is unspecified. |html (embeddable) |auto m|:toc: |Not set by default. The table of contents is placed after the title page (See https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/issues/233[issue #233] for developments). |pdf |auto m|:toc: |Not set by default. The placement and styling of the table of contents is determined by the DocBook toolchain configuration. |docbook |toclevels |1–5 m|:toclevels: 4 |Default value is `2`. |html, pdf |toc-title | m|:toc-title: Contents |Default value is _Table of Contents_. |html, pdf |===