//// Included in: - user-manual: Video: Supported attributes //// .Video attributes and values [cols="1m,1,2m,2"] |=== |Attribute |Value(s) |Example Syntax |Comments |title |User defined text |.An ocean sunset | |poster |A URL to an image to show until the user plays or seeks. |poster=sunset.jpg |Can be specified as the first positional (unnamed) attribute. Also used to specify the service when referring to a video hosted on YouTube (youtube) or Vimeo (vimeo). |width |User-defined size in pixels. |width=640 |Can be specified as the second positional (unnamed) attribute. |height |User-defined size in pixels. |height=480 |Can be specified as the third positional (unnamed) attribute. |options |autoplay, loop, modest, nocontrols, nofullscreen |opts="autoplay,loop" |The controls are enabled by default. The modest option enables modest branding for a YouTube video. |start |User-defined playback start time in seconds. |start=30 | |end |User-defined playback end time in seconds. |end=90 | |theme |The YouTube theme to use for the frame. |theme=light |Valid values are dark (the default) and light. |lang |The language used in the YouTube frame. |lang=fr |A two-letter language code or fully specified locale. |===