//// Included in: - user-manual: text formatting: Bold and italic //// The two most common ways of emphasizing a word is to format it as bold or italic. To apply bold styling to a word or phrase, place an asterisk (`+*+`) at the beginning and end of the text you wish to format. To bold one or more letters within a string of text, place two asterisks (`{asterisk}{asterisk}`) before and after the letter(s). Similarly, words and characters within a word are italicized using one (`+_+`) or two (`+__+`) underscores, respectively. When you want to bold and italicize text, the bold markup must be the outermost markup. .Bold and italic text formatting syntax [source,subs=replacements] ---- include::ex-text.adoc[tag=b-i] ---- .Result: bold and italic text ==== include::ex-text.adoc[tag=b-i-n] ====