//// Included in: - user-manual //// A table of contents (TOC) is an index of section and subsection titles that can be automatically generated from the document's structure when converting a document with Asciidoctor. To enable the auto-generated TOC, you must set the `toc` attribute. The `toc` attribute can be specified via the command line (`-a toc`), .TOC enabled via the CLI ---- $ asciidoctor -a toc adventure.adoc ---- or in the document header (`:toc:`). .TOC enabled via the document header [source] ---- include::toc.adoc[] ---- When no other options are specified, the TOC is inserted directly below the document header (document title, author, and revision lines), it has the title _Table of Contents_, and contains section 1 and section 2 level titles only. .Result: Setting the toc attribute ==== image::toc.png[Default table of contents] ==== Asciidoctor allows you to customize the layout, placement, and title of the table of contents. However, not all customizations are supported by all converters. See the <> to find out which customizations are available to each backend.