//// Included in: - user-manual //// === Side Column Placement // tag::column[] When converting to HTML, you can position the TOC to the left or right of the main content column by assigning the value `left` or `right` to the `toc` attribute, respectively. In this case, the sidebar column containing the TOC is both fixed and scrollable. .Assigning the left value to `toc` [source] ---- include::toc-left.adoc[] ---- .Result: Assigning the left value to `toc` ==== image::toc-left.png[Table of contents using left value] ==== This positioning is achieved using CSS, which means it depends on support from the stylesheet. However, it's only honored if there's sufficient room on the screen for a sidebar column. If there isn't sufficient room available (i.e., the screen width falls below a certain breakpoint), the TOC will automatically shift back to the center, appearing directly below the document title. IMPORTANT: The TOC is always placed in the center in an embeddable HTML document, regardless of the value of the `toc` attribute. // end::column[] === In-Document Placement // tag::place[] `toc` values of `auto` (the default), `preamble`, and `macro` place the TOC in the main document area. When the value of `toc` attribute is unspecified or `auto`, the TOC is inserted directly below the document header (document title, author and revision lines). When `toc` is set to `preamble`, the TOC is placed immediately below the preamble. CAUTION: When using the preamble placement, the TOC will not appear if your document does not have a <>. To fix this problem, just set the `toc` attribute to an empty value (or `auto`). To place the TOC anywhere else in the document, set the `toc` attribute to `macro`. Then, put the block toc macro (`toc::[]`) at the location in the document where you want the TOC to appear. The toc macro should appear at most once in any document. If `toc` is not set to `macro`, any toc macro in the document will be silently ignored. .Setting toc value to macro and using the block toc macro [source] ---- include::toc-macro.adoc[] ---- <1> The toc attribute must be set to `macro` in order to enable the use of the toc macro. <2> In this example, the toc macro is placed below the first section's title, indicating that this is the location where the TOC will be displayed once the document is rendered. .Result: Setting toc value to macro and using the block toc macro ==== image::toc-macro.png[Manual placement of the table of contents] ==== // end::place[]