//// Included in: - user-manual: User Interface Macros //// We are looking for feedback on these macros before setting them in stone. If you have suggestions, we want to hear from you! IMPORTANT: You *must* set the `experimental` attribute to enable the UI macros. === Keyboard shortcuts Asciidoctor recognizes a macro for creating keyboard shortcuts using the syntax `+kbd:[key(+key)*]+`. .Keyboard macro syntax [source] ---- include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=key] ---- .Result: Keyboard macros displaying common browser keyboard shortcuts [width="50%"] include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=key] You no longer have to struggle to explain to users what keys they are supposed to press. === Menu selections Trying to explain to someone how to select a menu item can be a pain. With the `menu` macro, the symbols do the work. .Menu macro syntax [source] ---- include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=menu] ---- The instructions in the example above appear below. .Result: Menu macros displaying menu selections ==== include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=menu] ==== === UI buttons It can be equally difficult to communicate to the reader that they need to press a button. They can't tell if you are saying "`OK`" or they are supposed to look for a button labeled *OK*. It's all about getting the semantics right. The `btn` macro to the rescue! .Button macro syntax [source] ---- include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=button] ---- .Result: Button macros displaying UI buttons ==== include::ex-ui.adoc[tag=button] ====