//// Included in: - writers-guide //// Cross references can also be used to create a link to a file relative to the current document. For links to another AsciiDoc document, this is the preferred way. The trailing hash (`#`) means that you refer to the top of the document. .Cross reference to the top of a relative AsciiDoc document [source] ---- include::ex-xref.adoc[tag=base-inter-top] ---- .Converted HTML for cross reference to relative AsciiDoc document [source,html] ---- Refer to Document B for more information. ---- To link directly to a section in the document, append the section's ID after the hash (`#`). .Cross reference to a specific section of a relative AsciiDoc document [source] ---- include::ex-xref.adoc[tag=base-inter] ---- .Converted HTML for cross reference to section of a relative AsciiDoc document [source,html] ---- Refer to Section B for more information. ---- In both cases, this syntax will also work if you are inside the document you are referring to. This is useful if you are sharing the same link across multiple documents.