
This is the area where you we guide you to use the Jupyter service.

Default Configuration

linux network
Figure 1. Linux network

Working Directory (root user)


Default user (root user)


Unprivileged user


jovyan (uid=1000, configurable, see options) in group users (gid=100)


user has ownership over the

/home/jovyan and /opt/conda paths

Directory Map

You can find it in Hybrid: Instances  More  Connect  Directory Maps


You can find it in Hybrid: Instances  More  Ports


You can find it in Hybrid: Instances  More  Logs


Connect Info in Hybrid: Instances  More  Connect  Open a terminal and Run

Connect via exec

Open a terminal and Run:

docker exec -it microservice-jupyter26_masterservice_1 /bin/sh

Connect via WEB

You can find it in Hybrid: Instances  More  Web

Jupyter Setup

  • Miniforge Python 3.x in /opt/conda with two package managers

  • conda: cross-platform, language-agnostic binary package manager

  • mamba: reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++

  • notebook, jupyterhub and jupyterlab packages

  • tini as the container entrypoint and a start-notebook.sh script as the default command

  • TeX Live for notebook document conversion

  • git, vi (actually vim-tiny), nano (actually nano-tiny), tzdata, and unzip

  • altair, beautifulsoup4, bokeh, bottleneck, cloudpickle, conda-forge::blas=*=openblas, cython, dask, dill, h5py, matplotlib-base, numba, numexpr, pandas, patsy, protobuf, pytables, scikit-image, scikit-learn, scipy, seaborn, sqlalchemy, statsmodel, sympy, widgetsnbextension, xlrd packages

  • ipympl and ipywidgets for interactive visualizations and plots in Python notebooks

  • Facets for visualizing machine learning datasets


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